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    The abdominal area consists of the rectus abdominals muscles and  the external obliques. The rectus abdominis are the muscles most commonly known as the “six pack”. The external obliques are the muscles at each side of the torso attached to the lower eight ribs and inserting at the side of the pelvis. The serratus anterior is a thin muscular sheet between the ribs and the scapula.




Upper Abs


Roman Chair 
Twisting Crunches


Lower Abs


Reverse Crunches 
Hanging Leg Raises

Vertical Bench Leg Raises 
Leg Raises 
Bent Knee Leg Raises 
Bent Knee Incline Leg Raises


Overall Abs


Cable Crunches 
Machine Crunches 
Seated Leg Tucks




Seated Twist 
Bent-over Twist 
Twisting Hanging Leg Raises

Side Leg Raises 
Bent Knee Side Leg Raises



One-arm Cable Pulls 
Rope Pulls 
Machine Pullovers 
Hanging Serratus Crunches


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