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Eat Right on a Budget!

    I got the idea for this page from a Flex magazine from March 2015. It was going over some common foods we can buy for a cheaper price at the local grocery store and still eat properly and gain the good protein and nutrients we need instead of always having to spend money at the supplement store.  Here is how to stretch your grocery dollar so you can get all the protein you can stomach without breaking the bank.

Canned Sardines

    In any given supermarket you can probably cast your line for a tin of sardines for less than two bucks. The upshot is that the tiny swimmers offer fantastic nutritional value for cost. Not only are sustainable sardines jam-packed with protein and muscle-friendly omega 3 fats, they're also a good source of vitamin D. A recent study in the Journal of Medicine and Science in Sport found that higher intakes of vitamin D are associated with improved muscular strength. What's more, Harvard researchers determined that vitamin D can help bolster testosterone levels. You know, that anabolic hormone that helps you get jacked.


    At about 25 cents a pop, the eggs offer an unbeatable source of cheap protein.  In fact, the quality of protein in eggs is so high that its often used as the standard for evaluating the protein quality of other foods. So it should come as no big surprise that a recent study published in the journal Nutrition Today reported that the high-quality protein in eggs can make a valuable contribution to building muscle mass, strength, and power.

Whole Chicken

    Adding a whole chicken to your  shopping cart is a surefire way to load up on big time amounts of cost-effective protein. Pound for pound, a whole chicken cost less than any other cut of poultry in the meat aisle. Case in point: Chicken breasts ring in at about $5 a pound, whereas you can score a whole bird for about $2 a pound. Best of all, the juicy meat can serve as the backbone for several different quick meals.

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