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    The quadriceps (quads) are the muscles at the front of the thigh which extends the leg. The four muscles that make up the quads are the rectus femoris, vastus intermedius, vastus medialis, and the vastus lateralis. The biceps femoris muscle (the hamstrings) is the thigh flexors at the rear of the leg. This is used to curl the leg. The best way to exercise the quads are different leg extensions, the best way to exercise the hamstrings are by doing different leg curls. The Calves are made up of two muscle groups. The soleus, and the gastrocnemius. The soleus is the larger and deeper of the two calf muscles. The gastrocnemius has two heads, one originating from the lateral aspect and the other from the medial of the lower femur. The tibialis anterior muscle runs up the front alongside the shinbone.



Lower Thigh


Machine Squats 
Barbell Squats 
Hack Squats 
Leg Presses 
Leg Extensions


Outer Thigh


Front Squats 
Hack Squats 
Squats (with your toes pointed straight and feet close together) 
Leg Press (with your toes pointed straight and feet close together)


Inner Thigh


Barbell Lunges
Dumbbell Lunges 
Straight-leg Dead lifts 
Squats (with your toes turned outward and a 
wide stance) 
Leg Press (with your toes turned outward and a 

wide stance)




Leg Curls (lying face down) 
Leg Curls (standing) 
Leg Curls (seated machine) 
Straight Leg Dead lifts




Lower Calves


Seated Calf Raises 
Calf Raises (on leg press machine)


Upper Calves


Standing Calf Raises 
One-leg Calf Raises




Donkey Calf Raises


For inside calves have your toes turned outward 
For outside calves have your toes turned inward


    Tibialis Muscle


Reverse Calf Raises

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